Environmental responsibility is a part of Škoda's corporate strategy. It is not possible to be part of a globally interconnected world without accepting our share of responsibility for the environment and for future generations. This is why Škoda strives to offer vehicles that are not only safe, practical, and comfortable, but also environmentally friendly. Throughout the development process, we endeavour to minimise fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, utilising the latest technology available.

Group environmental mission statement - go to the zero

For all our products and mobility solutions we aspire to minimise environmental impacts along the entire lifecycle – from raw material extraction until end-of-life - in order to keep ecosystems intact and to create positive impacts on society. Compliance with environmental regulations, standards and voluntary commitments is a basic prerequisite of our actions. Focus on four prioritized action areas:

Focus on four prioritised action areas:

Climate change

We are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement. We intend to become a carbon neutral company by 2050. By 2025, we plan to reduce our total life cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of passenger cars and light duty vehicles by 30% compared to 2015. We actively contribute to the transition towards renewable energies along the entire life cycle. 


We intend to maximise resource efficiency and promote circular economy approaches in the areas of materials, energy, water and land use. By 2025, we plan to have reduced the production-related environmental externalities (CO₂, energy, water, waste, volatile organic compounds) by 45% per vehicle compared to 2010.

Air quality 

We are driving e-mobility forward to improve the local air quality. By 2025, the share of battery electric vehicles in our model portfolio will be between 20 and 25%. The share of electric vehicles in the group fleet is to rise to at least 40% by 2030.

Environmental compliance

We aim to become a role model for a modern, transparent and successful enterprise in terms of integrity by installing and controlling effective management systems covering the environmental impacts of our mobility solutions over all life cycle stages.

Green future

We were able to recycle 42 per cent of the total 1.55 million m3 of water we used last year.
We are constantly increasing the eco-friendliness of our cars.
The new concept of dealerships and workshops also pays much attention to the environment.

Sustainable development and environmental conservation are key features in Škoda’s corporate strategy.

Škoda sustainability report 2023
pdf (18.5 MB)


Corporate social responsibility is integral to Škoda Auto’s operations.

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Škoda Auto company policy
pdf (162.1 KB)

Our aim is to manage the company in a reliable, qualified and transparent manner.

Extended producer responsibility

We pay attention to the impact of a car on the environment during its entire life cycle.

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Read the newsletters that are attachments to the Škoda Mobil company magazine and learn more.